+62 811 1216 898


Jalan Raya Krian Mojokerto


+62 811-1216-898


Jalan Raya Krian Mojokerto

Zenmed+ was awarded with Anugerah IPTEK dan INOVASI 2019
At the 24th National Technology Awakening Day commemoration in 2019, PT. Zenith Allmart Precisindo received an award from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education during the 2019 IPT...
Zenmed+ and the University of Indonesia Agree to Begin a New Facial Implant Project
Kamis, 8 Agustus 2019 merupakan hari yang baik untuk industri medis Indonesia. Pada hari ini telah ditandatangani kerjasama lisensi pemanfaatan produk inovatif kesehatan. Produk yang dikembangkan adal...
Zenmed+ as the Recipient of Karya Anak Bangsa Award
In commemoration of the 53rd National Health Day in 2017, ZenMed+ was designated as one of the recipients of the Karya Anak Bangsa Award in the fields of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices.
Medical Devices Production Certificates
ZenMed+ has finally obtained production approval as of October 13, 2017, from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia under No. FK.01.02/VI/547/2017.